Our staff members have provided professional services for the preparation of successfully fund-ed LIHTC applications for the following organizations:
- Knox County Housing Authority (Knoxville, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 32 units of affordable housing.
- Lewisburg Housing Authority (Lewisburg, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 50 units of affordable housing.
- Franklin Housing Authority (Franklin, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 12 units of affordable housing.
- McMinnville Housing Authority (McMinnville, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 20 units of affordable housing.
- Crossville Housing Authority (Crossville, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development three individual properties with of 24 units, 28 units and 32 units of affordable housing.
- Crossville Housing Authority (Rockwood, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 25 units of affordable housing.
- Crossville Housing Authority (Spring City, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 11 units of affordable housing.
- LaFollette Housing Authority (LaFollette, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 37 units of elderly housing.
- Chattanooga Housing Authority (Chattanooga, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 23 units of affordable housing.
- Newport Housing Authority (Newport, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the renovation of 22 units of elderly housing in the historical Rhea Mimm’s Hotel.
- Cookeville Housing Authority (Cookeville, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the new development of 30 units of affordable housing.
- Franklin County Consolidated Housing Authority (Winchester, TN) – Provided assistance in the preparation of a LIHTC application for the development of 6 new units of housing after the demolition of 30 units.
The State Housing Finance Agency (SHFA) is responsible for administering the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The program was created by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to encourage the construction and reha-bilitation of housing for low to moderate income individuals and families. Pursuant to Section 42(m) as amended by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, the SHFA is required to develop a Qualified Allocation Plan each year to define the process by which it will allocate the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits across the state.